Thursday, April 16, 2015

reckless driving

In the book fault in our stars Agusts is out side puts a cigarette in his mouth (but doesn't life it) then Hazel starts yelling at him then he tells her the metaphors of the "killing thing".  Then Hazel soon gets in August waters car then he starts driving but the only thing is that he is a weariness driver.   My thought is I think the instructors not have let him drive I'm scared for both of them.  My reaction was to the cigarette scene I would feel the same way but at least I would tell her first.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The fault in our stars (sob sob)

In the book fault in our stars August wont stopping looking at Hazel.  Soon after they have there starring contest everybody is to tell everybody there fears and August said OBLIVION.  Then Hazel started thinking to her self how this boy was cute then hot etc.  My Question is who is not afraid of  OBLIVION (well actually dying death who is not afraid of death and.........why?).  My reaction is a little tiny romantic there and curiosity.